The Head of Government receives a report from the Kingdom Mediator Foundation on the eligibility exam to practice the legal profession.

- It was decided to deal positively and activate the recommendations and proposals made by the Kingdom's mediator.
The Head of Government, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, received a special report from the President of the Kingdom Mediator on the debate raised on the examination of eligibility to practice the legal profession, which included proposals and recommendations, which constituted the conclusion of the mediation initiated by this institution on the subject.
Following the receipt of the report by the Head of Government and his consultations with the Minister of Justice, Abdellatif Wahbi, it was decided to deal positively with the recommendations and proposals made by the Kingdom Mediator, in harmony with the attention paid by the Government to the various complaints of the beneficiaries of public administrations received through the Kingdom Mediator, as well as the government's keenness to interact positively with the recommendations issued by it and activate them, in support of the roles of this independent constitutional institution in defending rights within the framework of relations between the administration and the beneficiaries and contributing to the consolidation of The rule of law and the promotion of the principles of justice and equity.
In its report, the Kingdom Mediator Foundation noted the great response and positive and responsible interaction that characterized its meetings with the Head of Government, the Minister of Justice, the President, and members of the Bureau of the Association of Bar Associations in Morocco, and all the concerned parties who were listened to on this file.